29 Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World


25. Devon Rex

Image Credits: kisa.su

Price: $600 – $1,000

The Devon Rex’ is a tall-eared, short-haired breed of cat that emerged in the mid-20th century in the UK. Its characteristic short curly fur was the result of a random mutation that makes it different from the Cornish Rex. People have described the Devon Rex as having the traits of a cat, dog, and monkey, or as one car lover called the Devon Rex, “a monkey in a cat suit”. They are high jumpers and often find the highest spot in the room. They are often devoted to one person in their lives and love to play. They can suffer from hereditary myopathy and some die from laryngospasm after an obstruction in their larynx from food. The Devon Rex is able to learn simple tricks but can be hard to motivate.


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